On Mon, Nov 17, 2008 at 10:42 AM, Abah Joseph <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am planning to develop School Database Management System that will run on
> Windows, Linux and Mac. The application will be Server/Client and GUI based.

Have you considered basing this off existing software for schools,
like one of the programs listed on
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Learning_management_system ?

> Modules I intende to use are: Python socket module, wxPython for GUI, Open
> GL for image processing , email and so on.
> This is my first real python project and I really want to test myself with
> this application.

Sounds like one hell of a project. Are you sure you aren't
encountering the Second System Effect
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second-system_effect) despite this being
only your first project?

> Some planned features is:-
> Manage Client connections
> Handling Student/User registration
> Handling backup
> will also act as IM server (that will allow users to chat sometime)

Jabber a.k.a. XMPP (http://www.jabber.org/web/Main_Page) would
probably be a good option for IM.

> Connect to sever
> Act as IM client
> Retrieve data from server.
> I will not be able to list all features.
> My Question is:
> What is the best database to use? (Flat file, cPickle, MySql, Sqlite,XML
> etc)

MySQL or Sqlite, probably the former. The other ones you list aren't
really databases per se.

> Security to make sure data is safe

Use some kind of encryption; I'd recommend using KeyCzar -

> How are binary data transferred from location x to y?, and during the
> transferring what should happen if not fully transferred and assume power
> goes off. Start all over again or continue?
> What is the secret behind transparent file transfer like the one in Yahoo IM
> (I can see what i`m transferring to you, u as well).

Don't really know what you mean by this.

> Audio streaming.

IceCast might be a good starting point - http://www.icecast.org/

> My intension here is to know what to do or read more and not asking you to
> write code for me
> Just your advice.

Good luck. Sounds like an ambitious project. Hope the pointers I gave help.

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