On 2008-11-19, Shawn Milochik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > At the time there was a lot of chatter on the list about > people "plonking" posts from Google Groups. That's "a" > solution, if that's where the spam comes from, but it > penalizes the legitimate users who don't subscribe to the > mailing list.
Not really. It doesn't penalize people like me who don't subscribe to the list, but post from other (properly run) Usenet servers. It does penalizes legitimate users who post from Google Groups. They've made the choice to use the same posting conduit as spammers, and presumably they know the consequences. There are plenty of free Usenet servers out there, and if one is not allowed NNTP access or can't figure out how to do anything that's not presented via a web page, then one can always post from gmane.org. -- Grant Edwards grante Yow! If elected, Zippy at pledges to each and every visi.com American a 55-year-old houseboy ... -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list