Hello i have this ip 1578568204

how socket function i can have the ip dotted-quad string?

i have try socket.inet_aton get no error but only this ^ETB FF

I've got the following program I threw together for one of my junior developers:

  from sys import argv, exit
  if len(argv) <> 2:
    print "Usage:"
    print "\t%s <ip_address>" % argv[0]
    print "\t%s <int>" % argv[0]
print "\nThe first form translates a dotted-quad format into int format" print "\nThe second form translates from int form to a dotted-quad"

  src = argv[1]

  if src.count('.') == 3:
    a,b,c,d = map(lambda s: 0xff and int(s), src.split('.'))
    print (
      (a << (8*3)) |
      (b << (8*2)) |
      (c << (8*1)) |
    i = int(src)
    a = 0xff & (i >> (8*3))
    b = 0xff & (i >> (8*2))
    c = 0xff & (i >> (8*1))
    d = 0xff & (i)
    print '%s.%s.%s.%s' % (a,b,c,d)

The code you're looking for is in the bottom "else:" clause. Yes, that could be optimized to just "c = 0xff & (i >> 8)" in the 3rd case, but it made it easier for my junior developer to understand what was going on.

There might be some library function to do these transformations for you, but after a quick look, I didn't find anything.



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