Brentt wrote:
Hi, I know this is a terribly simple question, but the docs seem to be
designed for people who probably find a the answer to this question
terribly obvious. But its not at all obvious to me.

I can't figure out why when I define a function, a variable
(specifically a list) that I define and initialize in the argument
definitions, will not initialize itself every time its called. So for
example, when making a simple list of a counting sequence from num (a
range list), if I call the function multiple times, it appends the
elements to the list generated the times it was called before, even
though the variable for the list is initialized in the argument

def foo_range(num,aList = []):
aList = []
#why is this seemingly extra initialization necessary? shouldn't it be
initialized in the argument definitions?
#but if its not there and the function is called multiple times the
elements generated (see below)
#append to the list generated before.
while num <= 10:
num +=1
return aList

Why is this? Thanks, hope its not a stupid quesiton.

The def statement is an executable statement that creates a function object. When you execute the def statement, the parameter list, including default arg object expressions, is evaluated for creating the function object and its associated code object. The 'suite' that follows the ':' and possible a doc string is compiled for the code object.

The language manual entry for Function definitions explains this, with the first sentence in bold. "Default parameter values are evaluated when the function definition is executed. This means that the expression is evaluated once, when the function is defined, and that that same “pre-computed” value is used for each call. This is especially important to understand when a default parameter is a mutable object, such as a list or a dictionary: if the function modifies the object (e.g. by appending an item to a list), the default value is in effect modified."

The allows a choice of having a 'default' evaluated either when the function is defined, which is nearly always what is wanted, or when the function is called, by using None or another flag object, and then testing.



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