George Sakkis wrote:
On Nov 21, 4:46 pm, harijay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I am a few months new into python. I have used regexps before in perl
and java but am a little confused with this problem.

I want to parse a number of strings and extract only those that
contain a 4 digit number anywhere inside a string

However the regexp
p = re.compile(r'\d{4}')

Matches even sentences that have longer than 4 numbers inside
strings ..for example it matches "I have 3324234 and more"

I am very confused. Shouldnt the \d{4,} match exactly four digit
numbers so a 5 digit number sentence should not be matched .

No, why should it ? What you're saying is "give me 4 consecutive
digits", without specifying what should precede or follow these
digits. A correct expression is a bit more hairy:

p = re.compile(r'''
        (?:\D|\b)    # find a non-digit or word boundary..
        (\d{4})       # .. followed by the 4 digits to be matched as group
        (?:\D|\b)    # .. which are followed by non-digit or word boundary
        ''', re.VERBOSE)

You want to match a sequence of 4 digits: \d{4}
not preceded by a digit: (?<!\d)
not followed by a digit: (?!\d)

which is: re.compile(r'(?<!\d)\d{4}(?!\d)')

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