On Nov 24, 2008, at 11:10 AM, Matimus wrote:

I wrote this a while ago. I sort of regret it though. Mixins could
(and I will argue should) be avoided most of the time by delegating to
other objects with less functionality. Utilizing many mixin classes
tends to just make gigantic classes. This is a huge violation of the
"Single Responsibility Principle".

I see your point, but in this case, I'm building a layout/config tool for use with wxPython, and wx uses a fair number of mixins (especially for the list control).

That isn't to say that I don't
think there is a place for multiple inheritance. Multiple inheritance
to the point where it is easier to write a metaclass to automatically
generate your __init__ method than it is to write it yourself is a
good indicator that you have gone too far. Which is what I did.

I appreciate the sample code, and the thoughtful comments. You do yourself credit.

- Joe


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