On Nov 25, 2:31 pm, r <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Nov 25, 10:38 am, marc wyburn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I've created my first Tkinter GUI class which consists of some buttons
> > that trigger functions.  I have also created a
> > tkFileDialog.askdirectory control to local a root folder for log
> > files.
> > I have several file paths that depend on the value of
> > tkFileDialog.askdirectory should I create an object that inherits this
> > value or can I point functions at the GUI class?
> > I am creating the tkinter GUI instance using;
> > if __name__ == "__main__":
> >     GUI = AuditorGUI()
> >     GUI.mainloop()
> > class AuditorGUI(Frame):
> >     def __init__(self):
> >         Frame.__init__(self)
> >         self.pack(expand = YES, fill = BOTH)
> > ##      Create GUI objects
> >         self.currentdir = StringVar()
> >         self.currentdir.set(os.getcwd())
> >         self.logdir = Button(self, text="Choose Data
> > directory",command=self.choose_dir)
> >         self.logdir.grid(row=1,column=0,sticky='nsew',pady=20,padx=20)
> >         self.labeldirpath = Label(self, textvariable=self.currentdir)
> >     def choose_dir(self):
> >         dirname = tkFileDialog.askdirectory
> > (parent=self,initialdir=self.currentdir.get(),title='Please select a
> > directory')
> >         if len(dirname ) > 0:
> >             self.currentdir.set(dirname)
> > I think I have created an instance of the AuditorGUI class called GUI
> > so should be able to access the path using GUI.currentdir but this
> > doesn't work.
> > I'm still struggling with classes so not sure whether my problem is
> > tkinter related or not.
> > Thanks, MW
> first off i would use a different instance variable besides "GUI".
> Could be AG or auditorgui.
> Also the conditional "if len(dirname ) > 0:" could simply be "if
> dirname:"
> When you ask for the attribute currentdir are you asking as
> "GUI.currentdir.get()" or "GUI.currentdir"???
> only the second will work with a TKVAR, but there is really no need to
> use a TKVAR here. I would simply do:
> self.currentdir = None
> then you could say:
> if GUI.currentdir:
>     do this()

> When you ask for the attribute currentdir are you asking as
> "GUI.currentdir.get()" or "GUI.currentdir"???
> only the second will work with a TKVAR

only GUI.currentdir.get() will work with TKVAR
my bad:(

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