Scott David Daniels wrote:
Sunnan wrote:

...Because what is "boring"? The opposite of dense, tense, intense. Utterly predictable; it's like the combination of all my prejudices. Even before I knew, I thought "Bet Python separates statements from expressions".

Python is for terse, pithy prose; Python is not for poetry.

--Scott David Daniels

I though that too, until Michael Spencer sent me the following executable Python limerick, which I declared the PyCon limerick competition and read as a part of my closing address:

# Freely re-distributable under Poetic License*
# Voice only the alphanumeric tokens

from itertools import repeat
for feet in [3,3,2,2,3]:
    print " ".join("DA-DA-DUM"
    for dummy in [None]
for foot in repeat("metric", feet))

*thanks to Peter Hansen

Steve Holden        +1 703 861 4237  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC   
Python Web Programming


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