On Nov 28, 2:08 pm, r <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Did you even read my OP, I mean the whole thing... not just the title?
> I am working on the problem, I am trying to garner support for a
> Python intergration. Grass Roots kinda thing.

Jesus wept. Of course I did. It's why I actually made suggestions on
how you could achieve this rather than trying to offload the effort to
others. Pissing off potential supporters -within- the Python community
is hardly what I'd consider a successful grass roots approach.

> Why can't Google change the API now?

Developing a 2nd API -costs in time and effort-. It doesn't happen for

> Why can't there be 2 API's?

Because the reward has to be worth the cost, and it has to be be more
rewarding than shutting up every single idiot who wants their language
of choice to be supported.

You sound like the endless drones who proclaimed Google App Engine to
be pointless because it didn't support PHP/Ruby/Perl/Erlang/Brainfuck
from the very beginning.

> A kinda 60 free love thing.

Hippie idealism aside, nothing is "free". You're asking -other- people
to shoulder the effort for something -you- want.

How much is this API -worth- to you? How much time are -you- willing
to commit to developing it? If you lack the ability, how much -money-
are you willing to spend on hiring the people with that ability?

> And why are you SO violently against it?

Please point out exactly where I said I was opposed to SketchUp
growing a Python API. While doing so, try and pay attention to how I
repeatedly stated that it was your -approach- that was the issue.

> Is this a sin?

This isn't about morality at all; your evangelicalism aside, Python
isn't a religion.

If anything, this is about respect, understanding and the sheer lack
of either you seem to demonstrate.

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