On Thu, 27 Nov 2008 21:28:34 -0800, r wrote:

> To think...that I would preach freedom to the slaves and be lynched for
> it...IS MADNESS!

No, this is Sparta!

(Somebody had to say it.)

> Not one vote for Python, not a care. I think everyone here should look
> deep within their self and realize the damage that has been done today!

Oh the damage! Won't anybody think of the damage?!

> I hope Guido's eyes never see this thread, for he may lose all hope in
> humanity. 

Probably, but not for the reason you think.

Have you considered that as Guido works at Google, he probably knows all 
about Sketchup and doesn't care a flying fig about the scripting language 
it uses? He's got better things to do than run around like a headless 
chicken getting upset that there's a program out in the world that uses 
something other than Python.

> He only spent the last 18 years of his life pursuing this
> thing called Python.

No, he has spent the last 18 years of his life having a life. Python is 
only a small part of it. He has a wife and child and a job, and no doubt 
he has hobbies. He even has a blog:


> Maybe 1,2,3, years from now someone will see this
> thread and post a vote for Python. Maybe as simple as "I will fight for
> Python" , "I am not scared to go up against the status quo". For that
> day will be a glorious day. That day shall be Python Day! I will never
> give UP!

Forgot to take your meds today?

Earlier, at Thu, 27 Nov 2008 18:49:37 -0800, you wrote:

> Well... 3 for Ruby 1 for python. Not looking good so far. Any more
> votes?

Are you trolling? Are you some sort of agent provocateur trying to put 
people *against* the idea of Python scripting for Sketchup? If not, 
you're sure doing an excellent imitation of one.

You start off by spitting all over Ruby, then demonstrate spinelessness 
by turning around and saying you have nothing against Ruby when it is 
obvious that you do have many things against it. Then you gush about how 
wonderful Python is in an embarrassingly, and obnoxiously, saccharine 
way. And now you come up with this garbage about "3 for Ruby" -- nobody 
here voted for Ruby.

It's not that we don't want Python to be successful, and I for one resent 
you implication that just because we're not throwing ourselves at your 
pet project we're anti-Python. Python is already successful, and we're 
not throwing ourselves at your pet project because most of us don't give 
a monkey's toss about Sketchup. Why should we put our time and energy 
into a piece of software that we don't care about? You might not have 
anything better to do with your life, but we do.


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