In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Lawrence D'Oliveiro  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Cameron Laird wrote:
>>    def shell_escape(Arg) :
>>        """returns Arg suitably escaped for use as a command-line argument
>>        to Bash."""
>>        pattern = r"[\<\>\"\'\|\&\$\#\;\(\)\[\]\{\}\`\!\~\ \\]"
>>        def f1(Match):
>> return "\\" +
>>        return re.sub(pattern, f1, Arg)
>>              # Need to catch anything that might be meaningful to shell
>>    #end shell_escape
>So why is that better?

I'm very lost, now.  As best I can remember and/or reconstruct 
this conversation, the form above is adequately readable and 
does not involve lambda (and fits in eighty-column lines, and
has a few even more mundane features).  There's a realm within
Pythonia that favors lambdalessness.  

I think that's all I'm claiming at this point.

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