> Now, instead of keeping that special status, it was decided to make
> it a reserved word since there's a new use case in Python 2.6 for
> it as well - catching exceptions:
> >>> try:
> ...     1/0
> ... except Exception as exc_object:
> ...     print exc_object
> ...
> integer division or modulo by zero
> The Python developers always try very hard not to introduce new
> keywords to the language, but every now and then, it's better to
> go with the addition and cause some breakage.

Thank you for finally answering my original question.  If the above use
(or that of with), for implementation reasons, *requires* "as" to be a
keyword, then I can understand their decision to break Python.  But what
I can't understand is the decision to break 2.6 instead of 3.0.  2.x was
supposed to remain backwards compatible, with the thinking that 2.x
would be maintained in parallel for quite some time.  3.x was supposed
to be the compatibility break.  Not so, apparently.

> In this case, it's easy enough to find the files that break.
> Just run compileall.py on all your files and Python 2.6 will tell
> you which ones need fixing:
> python2.6 -c 'import compileall;compileall.compile_dir(".")'

But that assumes source code is a closed set.  Unfortunately, in our
case, our code actually writes new Python code itself in the form of
document-like-objects intended for future re-execution.  In that sense,
our code base is an open set relying upon Python's backward
compatibility (albeit in a very limited ways, but no source code can be
immune to introduction of new language keywords).
> This idea of CPython not being threads-capable is FUD. CPython
> works perfectly well in multi-threaded environments.

With all due respect, calling CPython out on the fact that it delivers
the efficiency of only one single CPU core even when there are N Python
threads running with N-1 idle cores available on a system is not
misleading FUD.  It is the truth.  

With all due respect, calling CPython out on the fact that its
developer-users cannot even work around this problem elegantly by
instantiating multiple independent Python interpreters running
concurrently within a single process (with limited but well defined
channels of communication between them) is not misleading FUD.  It is
also the truth.

Given that the next round of high-end workstations will likely have
12-16 cores, N CPython native threads will be more than an order of
magnitude (>10 fold) less efficient than N Python-like threads on a true
threads-capable VM like the CLR.  3-4 years later, it will be 100-fold
less efficient, and on and on, in a 1/(2^T) geometric rate of declining
performance.  That is near-term reality, not misleading FUD.

That the powers-that-be consider the above situation working "perfectly
well in multi-threaded environments" is rather telling.  That the
CPython 3.0 compatibility-break was finalized without resolution of
CPython's thread performance issues should absolutely give rise to
well-founded Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt about the utility of the
CPython 3.0 VM implementation in the minds of current users who must
deliver performant software for a living.

> There are, of course, situations where using a multi-threaded approach
> is not necessarily the right way to approach a problem.

Yes, we have been lectured about this endlessly.  We are told that
threads are bad for various reasons, that they aren't ever the right
solution, that we should be using shared memory, separate processes, or
native code, or that real multithreading would break CPython library
compatibility (!) and so on, all despite the fact that threads work
perfectly fine in other VMs, including some VMs which run Python
dialects.  Threads are indeed the optimal solution to certain problems,
and those problems are still not solvable with CPython 3.0.

Is it too much to hold out hope for a native Pythonic solution to the
multithreading performance issues inside of the CPython VM itself?  Only
time will tell... but time is rapidly running out.



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