On Dec 4, 11:35 pm, Paul McGuire <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yowza!  My eyes glaze over when I see re's like "r'(?m)^(?P<data>.*?
> (".*?".*?)*)(?:#.*?)?$"!

yeah, I know ... :( ( I love complicated regexp ... it's like a puzzle
game for me)

> from pyparsing import quotedString, Suppress, restOfLine
> comment = Suppress('#' + restOfLine)
> recognizer = quotedString | comment
> for t in tests:
>     print t
>     print recognizer.transformString(t)
>     print
> Prints:
> this is a test 1
> this is a test 1
> this is a test 2 #with a comment
> this is a test 2
> this is a '#gnarlier' test #with a comment
> this is a '#gnarlier' test
> this is a "#gnarlier" test #with a comment
> this is a "#gnarlier" test
> For some added fun, add a parse action to quoted strings, to know when
> we've really done something interesting:
> def detectGnarliness(tokens):
>     if '#' in tokens[0]:
>         print "Ooooh, how gnarly! ->", tokens[0]
> quotedString.setParseAction(detectGnarliness)
> Now our output becomes:
> this is a test 1
> this is a test 1
> this is a test 2 #with a comment
> this is a test 2
> this is a '#gnarlier' test #with a comment
> Ooooh, how gnarly! -> '#gnarlier'
> this is a '#gnarlier' test
> this is a "#gnarlier" test #with a comment
> Ooooh, how gnarly! -> "#gnarlier"
> this is a "#gnarlier" test
> -- Paul

I didn't knew pyparsing. It's amazing ! thanks

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