On Dec 6, 11:19 pm, Philip Semanchuk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Dec 6, 2008, at 4:47 PM, ats wrote:
> > Hello,
> > This is my first posting to a Python group (and I'm starting with
> > Python seriously only now) , so bear with me if I make some mistakes.
> > I want to generate 3 different versions of a C++ source code,
> > basically injecting different flavours of inline assembler depending
> > on target compiler/CPU.
> > Code generation should be integrated into a 'master source file' which
> > is the processed and generates the right code for GCC / MSVC or other
> > cases. Something like:
> >  int FastAdd( int t1, int t2 ){
> >    int r;
> >    ##if USE_INLINE_ASM
> >      #ARG( eax, "t1")
> >      #ARG( ebx, "t2")
> >      #ASM( "add", ebx, eax )
> >      #RES( eax, "r" )
> >    ##else
> >      r = t1+t2;
> >    ##endif
> >    return r;
> >  }
> > On processing, given constant USE_INLINE_ASM (or not) the right code
> > is generated to a target file, which goes into the build process.
> > I was looking for packages that can do this and came up with some
> > candidates:
> > - "empy" -http://www.alcyone.com/pyos/empy/- It looks like it could
> > do the job, but appears non-maintained since 2003.
> > - "Cheetah" - Looks like more of a tool to do fix replacements of code
> > snippets.
> > There is some logic going on in the "ARG", "ASM" and "RES" sections,
> > so I need to link code generation with true Python functions.
> Hi Arne,
> There are *lots* of packages for Python that replace chunks of  
> predefined templates. Most are HTML-focused, some more so than others.  
> I've used Mako (http://www.makotemplates.org/) to generate both HTML  
> and Apache config files. It could certainly do C++. Some alternatives  
> to Mako are mentioned in the documentation -- Kid, Genshi and Cheetah.
> Rather than invite a flame war as to which is a better templating  
> engine, I'll just say that I'm happy with how Mako addresses *my*  
> needs. =) Good luck finding something that addresses yours.
> Cheers
> Philip
> > The situation is really quite similar to HTML/PHP except, here we
> > would have C++/Python.
> > Any suggestions?
> > Thanks,
> > //Arne S.
> > --
> >http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

Thanks, Mako looks neat.

// Arne S.

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