On Sun, 07 Dec 2008 08:54:46 +0000, mh wrote:

> How can I make a "var" parm, where the called function can modify the
> value of the parameter in the caller?

By using another language.

> def f(x):
>     x = x + 1
> n = 1
> f(n)
> # n should now be 2

Python doesn't work like that. You should read this:


Some work arounds, in order from worst-to-best:

(1) Use a hard-coded global name:

x = 1

def f():
    global x
    x = x + 1

assert x == 2

(2) Wrap the value you want to change in a list, then modify the list in 

n = [1]

def f(alist):
    alist[0] = alist[0] + 1

assert n[0] == 2

(4) Just use an ordinary function. Functions can return multiple values.

n = 1

def f(x):
    return (x+1, 99)

n, y = f(n)
assert y == 99
assert n == 2

(5) Find another way to solve your problem.

Why do you think you need var parameters? What problem are you hoping to 
solve by using them? As a former Pascal programmer, I missed var 
parameters at first, but now I don't.


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