On Dec 8, 2:05 am, Johannes Bauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> John Machin schrieb:
> > He did. Ugly stuff using readline() :-) Should still work, though.
> Well, well, I'm a C kinda guy used to while (fgets(b, sizeof(b), f))
> kinda loops :-)
> But, seriously - I find that whole "while True:" and "if line == """
> construct ugly as hell, too. How can reading a file line by line be
> achieved in a more pythonic kind of way?

By using
   for line in open(.....)
as mentioned in (1) my message that you were replying to (2) the
... skip the stuff on readline() and readlines() this time :-)

While waiting for the bug to be fixed, you'll need something like the

def utf16_getlines(fname, newline_terminated=True):
    f = open(fname, 'rb')
    raw_bytes = f.read()
    decoded = raw_bytes.decode('utf16')
    if newline_terminated:
        normalised = decoded.replace('\r\n', '\n')
        lines = normalised.splitlines(True)
        lines = decoded.splitlines()
    return lines

That avoids the chunk-reading problem by reading the whole file in one
go. In fact given the way I've written it, there can be 4 copies of
the file contents. Fortunately your files are tiny.



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