I maintain a CGI framework named PyTin, and while previously the developer was only allowed to access GET and POST by cgi.FieldStorage. I'm trying to add code to my request gatherer that looks like:
1. request.rawpost = StringIO() # Just normal StringIO 2. request.rawpost.write(sys.stdin.read()) 3. request.rawpost.seek(0) 4. request.fields = cgi.FieldStorage(fp=request.rawpost) 5. request.rawpost.seek(0) Obviously, my actual code doesn't have the line numbers. I'm testing it out on the CGIHTTPRequestHandler with BaseHTTPServer, and whenever my test script reaches line 2, it hangs up. It doesn't spit out a traceback, or stop in less than a minute, whenever I use sys.stdin.read(). Can anyone explain what is going on? Regards, LeafStorm BDFL: Pacific Science -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list