Robert Kern wrote:
James Stroud wrote:
I think it skips straight to __eq__ if the element is not the first in the list.

No, it doesn't skip straight to __eq__(). "y is 1" returns False, so (y==1) is checked. When y is a numpy array, this returns an array of bools. list.__contains__() tries to convert this array to a bool and ndarray.__nonzero__() raises the exception.

list.__contains__() checks "is" then __eq__() for each element before moving on to the next element. It does not try "is" for all elements, then try __eq__() for all elements.

Ok. Thanks for the explanation.

 > That no one acknowledges this makes me feel like a conspiracy
 > is afoot.

I don't know what you think I'm not acknowledging.

Sorry. That was a failed attempt at humor.


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