>> I came across a javascript library that returns all sorts of html
>> codes in the cookies it sets and I need my web framework (written in
>> python :)) to decode them. I'm aware of htmlentitydefs but
>> htmlentitydefs.entitydefs.keys( ) are of the form '&#xxx' but this
>> javascript library uses stuff like '%3A' for the ':' for example. The
>> conversion is here:
>> http://www.ascii.cl/htmlcodes.htm
>> Is there a python package/module/whatever that does the conversion for
>> me or do I have to write a little wrapper myself (and introduce bugs
>> while doing so :))?
>>>> import urllib
>>>> urllib.quote("Löblich ähnlich üblich")
> 'L%C3%B6blich%20%C3%A4hnlich%20%C3%BCblich'
>>>> urllib.unquote(_)
> 'L\xc3\xb6blich \xc3\xa4hnlich \xc3\xbcblich'
>>>> print _
> Löblich ähnlich üblich
> If you care about the encoding you have to encode/decode explicitly:
>>>> urllib.quote(u"Löblich ähnlich üblich".encode("latin1"))
> 'L%F6blich%20%E4hnlich%20%FCblich'
>>>> urllib.unquote(_).decode("latin1")
> u'L\xf6blich \xe4hnlich \xfcblich'

Thanks a lot guys!


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