gf gf wrote:
Really!  That's a pity... Instead of trying to
recreate a repository the size of CPAN, a Python
interface to Perl modules is really called for.

Something like pyperl, for example?

Instead of fretting over decorator syntax and
lispiness, might I suggest that development efforts be
directed to this? Developers, are you listening? Guido?

PS And I don't mean waiting for Perl 6 to condense...

Yes, the development team don't have anything better to do than listen to the opinions of people who don't even identify themselves. I'm sure you have proved your dedication to Python so explicitly that they'll already be working on this problem :-)

You might also look at the work Richard Jones and others did on PyPI during their PyCon sprint. Richard was confident that PyPI

Steve Holden        +1 703 861 4237  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC   
Python Web Programming


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