cm_gui wrote:
You guys are living in denial.
Python is SLOW, especially for web apps.

Instead of getting mad, why don't get together and come up with a
faster VM/interpreter?

The emperor doesn't like to be told he is not wearing any clothes?


The one in denial is the one without any evidence to back his assertions. as someone once said, "In God we Trust. All others must have data."

For example, the most recent benchmarks from The Computer Language Benchmark Game:

On Gentoo on a Pentium 4 for example:

07.10 Python Psyco
19.34 Lua
23.00 Python
28.27 Perl
30.00 PHP
66.28 Javascript SpiderMonkey
75.12 Ruby

I have no idea about Zope, but if that's slow, go complain to the devlopers of Zope. The Python interpreter is one of the fastest for a dynamically interpreted language. And Psyco is competitive with many other JIT compilers. I would think someone who has been obsessing about the speed of Python since May, and especially interested in a Python "VM" would have learned by now about Psyco?


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