On Dec 5, 3:14 pm, John Machin <sjmac...@lexicon.net> wrote:
> On Dec 6, 9:41 am, GregoryPlantaine<gamersu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > That worked perfectly!
> > Thanks Tim!
> > Since we can print the files, does that mean the list of files is in a
> > tuple, or something?  Would there be a way to further split up the
> > file names?
> > For example, now that the files are processed into the list, we want
> > to look through that list to find different filetypes.
> > files
> > C:\Folder\File_200812051439.111
> > C:\Folder\File_200812051539.222
> *DANGER* It looks like you are interested in the timestamps that are
> embedded in the names of the files. Tim's code assumes [reasonably
> given that your problem description was ambiguous and had no examples
> of good and bad results] that you are interested in the last
> modification time of the file. You may say "same thing". Yes, same
> thing, until somebody sucks a file into a text editor, messes with it,
> and saves it again. No, Murphy's Law has not been repealed.
> > Can we split up .111 files?
> > Actually, where would I look something like this up?
> In the Library Reference Manual ... there are all sorts of goodies in
> the os and os.path modules e.g. like those used by Tim; make sure you
> read the docs on the methods Tim used so that you understand what's
> happening.
> HTH,
> John

Thanks for the advice John!

I was going though the Manual, but I'm having some trouble figuring
out how to iterate through each line.

So from the same example, we've already created a list called "lists".
Now how do I iterate through each line?

For eachline in lists
    Find all .111 files.

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