On Dec 11, 1:58 pm, jim-on-linux <inq1...@inqvista.com> wrote:
> py help,
> I produced a program that runs on windows.
> One client is using an HP machine with an Intel cpu
> E2200 @ 2.2ghz., and with .99 G ram.
> The machine is using Win XP Pro 32 bit OS with service
> pack 2
> I ran Dependency Walker and everything is OK.
> I used py2exe to build the exe file with bundle
> files:1 and also 3, with the same traceback results.
> I created a test print module that imports both
> win32api and win32ui modules and its only job is to
> print a page of text.
> The first module that is imported is win32api.
> line 8 of that module adds to the path the module named
> 'win32api.pyd'.
> The import is is completed without error.
> The next module that is imported is win32ui.
> line 8 of that module adds to the path a module named
> 'win32ui.pyd'.
> The search for the win32ui.pyd module seems to be the
> cause of the problem.  
> Traceback:
> ImportError: Dll load failed: The specified module
> could not be found.

Is this your complete traceback?  It is possible 'win32ui.pyd' is
trying to load something else it can't find.

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