On Dec 12, 5:13 pm, Steve Holden <st...@holdenweb.com> wrote:

> > It should be the tuple's __setitem__ that was invoked here, not
> > __iadd__, or the parser is faulty.
> OK, so now you are proposing to alter the parser, and possibly the
> implementation of the INPLACE_ADD opcode in eval.c, so can you give us
> the patch for those, please?

What? Take a look at the code again:

mytuple[0] += 1

should never attempt an __iadd__ on mytuple.

A sane parser would see this as:

tmp = mytuple.__getitem__(0)
tmp = tmp.__iadd__(1)
mytuple.__setitem__(0, tmp) # should this always raise an exception?

> Discussion of such behavior as a "bug" is also pejorative, since the
> current semantics are the way they are by design.

Right, this bug is by design. You learned that phrase from a guy in


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