Tim Rowe a écrit :
2008/12/12 Kirk Strauser <k...@daycos.com>:

def get_rate(balance):
   for threshold, rate in ((100000, .0173),
                           (50000, .0149),
                           (25000, .0124),
                           (10000, .0085),
                           (0, .006)):
       if balance > threshold:
           return rate
   return .0

Yes, once it's changed from a dictionary to tuples it becomes easier,
doesn't it? D'oh!

A sequence of pairs and a dict are _almost_ interchangeable (mmm... is that the correct word ?) representations of a same data set[1] - the main difference being ordering. If ordering matters, choose a sequence of pairs as main representation - you can easily build a dict from it if/when you need it.

>>> d = dict(a=1, b=2, c=3)
>>> dict(d.items()) == d

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