James Stroud wrote:
Aahz wrote:
In article <gi4834$la...@zinnia.noc.ucla.edu>,
James Stroud  <jstr...@mbi.ucla.edu> wrote:
In case its not obvious:

Ah, so that's where Bruno's extra apostrophe came from!  ;-)

(Sorry about the spelling flame, but seeing three posts in quick
succession with incorrect spelling of its/it's pushed me into making a
public comment.)

Yes. I think it was the British who decided that the apostrophe rule for "it" would be reversed from normal usage relative to just about every other noun. I'm not sure the purpose--maybe it was to give compulsive proofreaders a raison d'etre.

No possessive pronoun has an apostrophe.

Contractions of "is", etc, do, whether for nouns or pronouns.

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