On Dec 17, 4:01 am, Nicholas <nicholas.c...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Imagine a module that looks like
> ModuleDir
>      __init__.py
>      a.py
>      b.py
> In python 2.x I used to have tests at the end of each of my modules,
> so that module b.py might look something like
> import a
>  ..........
>  ..........
> if __name__ == '__main__':
>    runtests()
> But under Python 3.0 this seems impossible.  For usual use import a.py
> has to become the line:
> from . import a
> But if I use that form it is no longer possible to run b.py as a
> standalone script without raising an error about using relative
> imports.
> I am sure I am not the first to run into this issue, but what is the
> solution?

Use absolute imports:

from ModuleDir import a

> Best wishes,
> Nicholas


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