Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> On Wed, 17 Dec 2008 11:52:17 -0800, Rominsky wrote:
>> I do have some understanding of the pythonic methodology of programming,
>> though by far I still don't consider myself an expert. The problem at
>> hand is that I am coming from a matlab world and trying to drag my
>> coworkers with me.  I have gotten a lot of them excited about using
>> python for this work, but the biggest gripe everytime is they want their
>> matlab ide.  I am trying to experiment with making similar pieces of the
>> ide, in particular I am working on the workspace window which lists all
>> the current variables in the namespace, along with their type, size,
>> value, etc....  I am trying to create a python equivalent.
> Have you considered looking at existing IDEs instead of re-inventing the 
> wheel? Python even comes with one, IDLE.
I realise there are some very competent Python programmers whose primary
environment is IDLE, but I'm afraid I always end up frustrated with it.

I think Rominsky will learn a lot by noodling around in the way he
proposes - he does, after all, confess he is experimenting, and that
sounds to me like a great way to find out a lot in a fairly short time.

Matlab is a very specific environment, and students have told me that
there are pieces of its IDE that they really miss in Python, so this
work may result in something that attracts more users to Python.

Steve Holden        +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC    


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