On Dec 17, 3:48 pm, Reimar Bauer <r.ba...@fz-juelich.de> wrote:
> Hi
> what has happened to PIL? No updates since two years.
> Or does one know an alternative lib for resizing images?
> cheers
> Reimar

I have found the FreeImage library with the Python bindings quite
workable. I work with multi-page TIF images and this seemed to be the
best option.

 The FreeImage library seems to be actively maintained too (Last
release in July 08 with updates to many of the image processing plug-
ins).  The python bindings took me a bit to understand as they try to
emulate PIL, however they are implemented using ctypes, so you can
change/manage yourself if needed.  I found working directly with the
functions exported from the .dll the best option and gave the best

Freeimage site: http://freeimage.sourceforge.net/
Python bindings: http://freeimagepy.sourceforge.net/

Hope that helps.  Good luck.  Working with images/graphics can make my
brain hurt sometimes.



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