eric wrote:
On Dec 18, 8:37 pm, wrote:
...  I dont know how to implement the quadratic equation ...

with numpy:
from numpy import *

x = -b+s*sqrt( b**2-4*a*c )/(2*a)

Numpy is pretty heavyweight for this.

For built in modules you have a few choices:
For real results:
    from math import sqrt
For complex results:
    from cmath import sqrt
or you can simply use:
    (value) ** .5

Then you can do something like:

def quadsolve(a, b, c):
        discriminant = sqrt(b**2 - 4 * a * c)
    except ValueError:
        return () # No results at all.
    if discriminant: # two results
        return ((-b - discriminant) / (2 * a),
                (-b + discriminant) / (2 * a))
    else: # a single result (discriminant is zero)
        return (-b / (2 * a),)

--Scott David Daniels

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