En Tue, 23 Dec 2008 11:30:25 -0200, Duncan Booth
<duncan.bo...@invalid.invalid> escribió:
Aaron Brady <castiro...@gmail.com> wrote:
Th.1 Th.2
You are saying that if 'a=Z' interrupts 'a=Y' at the wrong time, the
destructor for 'X' or 'Y' might not get called. Correct? In serial
flow, the destructor for X is called, then Y.
No, the destructors will be called, but the destructors can do pretty
anything they want so you can't say the assignment is atomic. This isn't
actually a threading issue: you don't need multiple threads to experience
werid issues here. If you do strange things in a destructor then you can
come up with confusing code even with a single thread.
A simple example showing what you said:
py> class A:
... def __del__(self):
... global a
... a = None
py> a = A()
py> a = 3
py> print a
Gabriel Genellina