En Fri, 26 Dec 2008 19:52:24 -0200, <da...@bag.python.org> escribió:

I'm a newbee trying 3.0   Please help with  math.sqrt()

At the command line this function works correctly
      >>> import math
              n = input("enter a number > ")
              s = math.sqrt(n)
     An entry of 9 or 9.0  will yield 3.0

Yet the same code in a script gives an error message
                   import math
                   n = input("enter a number > ")
                   s = math.sqrt(n)
              Traceback (most recent call last) :
                  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
                  File "script1.py" line 3 in <module>
                     s = math.sqrt(n)
               TypeError : a float is required
     Entering 9 or 9.0 gives same error message.

   According to the math module the results of all
   functions are floats.  However it says nothing about

Strangely the above code runs fine in version 2.5  ( ? )
and will handle large integers.

I've read the documentation for 3.0 including the section
"Floating Point Arithmetic: Issues & Limitations" and it
helps nada.

And you won't find nothing - the change is in "input" behavior, not in the math functions.
For versions prior to 3.0, there are:

raw_input(message) -> string typed
input(message) -> result of evaluating the string typed

raw_input just returns whatever you type, as a string. Using the input function, Python evaluates whatever you type to obtain a result: if you type the three characters "nine" "dot" "zero" the result is the double 9.0; you can even type (17+1)/2.0 to get the same value (try it with your Python 2.5)

Since version 3.0, input behaves as raw_input in the older versions, and there is no builtin function equivalent to the old input function.
Use this instead:

n = float(input("enter a number > "))

Gabriel Genellina


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