On Dec 29, 8:07 pm, Scott David Daniels <scott.dani...@acm.org> wrote:
> Ross wrote:
> > ... Use get to write histogram more concisely. You should be able to
> > eliminate the if statement.
> > def histogram(s):
> >    d = dict()
> >    for c in s:
> >            d[c]= d.get(c,0)
> >    return d
> > This code returns a dictionary of all the letters to any string s I
> > give it but each corresponding value is incorrectly the default of 0.
> > What am I doing wrong?
> How is this code supposed to count?
> --Scott David Daniels
> scott.dani...@acm.org

I realize the code isn't counting, but how am I to do this without
using an if statement as the problem instructs?

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