Kottiyath wrote:
> I have the following list of tuples:
> L = [(1, 2), (3, 4, 5), (6, 7)]
> I want to loop through the list and extract the values.
> The only algorithm I could think of is:
>>>> for i in l:
> ...  u = None
> ...  try:
> ...   (k, v) = i
> ...  except ValueError:
> ...   (k, u, v) = i
> ...  print k, u, v
> ---------
> 1 None 2
> 3 4 5
> 6 None 7
> -------------
> But, this algorithm doesnt look very beautiful - like say -> for k, u,
> v in L:
> Can anyone suggest a better algorithm to get the values?

L = [(1, 2), (3, 4, 5), (6, 7)]
for i in L:
  if len(i) == 2:
    k, v, u = i + (None, )
    k, u, v = i
  print k, u, v

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