Matthew Thorley wrote:
This may be a very rudimentary question, but here goes:
From your questions, I believe you are not thinking of values as
being distinct from the names and data structures that refer to them.

What is the parent of 23 in the following expression?

    1 + 11 * 2

If you know that, what is the parent of 293 in the same expression?

If I have a simple dictionary, where the value is a class or function,
is there an interface through which it can discover what its key is?
Similar to index() for list.

def keyfor(dictionary, element): for key, value in dictionary.iteritems(): if value == element: # value is element if identity quest return key raise ValueError, element

On a similar note, if one object is part of another,
This is the idea you have wrong.  In C, C++, Java, and Fortran you
might have objects part of other objects, but in Python objects refer
to each other.

How about this:

    class Holder(object): pass

    v = [1 + 11 * 2]
    w = [1, v, 3]
    d = {1: v}
    o = Holder()
    o.x = v

What is the parent of v?

Or even worse:

    v = [1]
    v[0] = v

What is the parent of v now?

--Scott David Daniels

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