On Jan 3, 8:39 am, koranth...@gmail.com wrote:
> I was going through Python posts and this post caught my 
> attentionhttp://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.python/browse_thread/thread/...
> <quote>
>  You have missed an important point. A well designed application does
>  neither create so many threads nor processes. The creation of a
> thread
>  or forking of a process is an expensive operation. You should use a
> pool
>  of threads or processes.
> </unquote>
> I am creating an application and it creates ~1-2 threads every second
> and kill it within 10 seconds. After reading this I am worried. Is
> creating a thread a very costly operation? I cannot use a pool of
> threads because I am using an external application (twisted) to create
> the threads (deferToThread).

Generally you should only worry about this sort of thing if A) you
actually notice a performance problem and B) testing indicates that
it's thread creation which is causing it.

Otherwise you could spend a lot of time working on something that
doesn't actually affect your app's performance.


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