guss a écrit :
I cannot find a satisfying answer to this question on the web so let's
try here.

My problem is the following, I would like to instantiate some object
from a configuration file that would contain class names like for
example classname=org.common.resource.MyResource.
Here my resource is the class to instanciate and it is in the module
resource that is in a package hierachy.

In fact I would like to do something very similar to the Java:

klass = Class.forname("org.common.resource.MyResource")

instance = klass.newInstance()

The second line is easy once I have a classobj but I have some
problems to find the right recipe for getting it.

I know how to create a class from scratch with new.classobj but how do
you get a class object and then create an object ?

I would like a recipe working for all cases (whatever the module is
not the local one ...)

use __import__ to get the module object, then getattr(module, classname) to get the class object (sorry, no much time right now to give you a full recipe, but that should be enough to get you started).


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