Joris wrote:

I'm trying to implement callback functionality in a static class.

I have a feeling that I'm doing something against the Python philosophy and not some programming error but any help would be appreciated.

First, a piece of proof-of-concept-code:
class Data:

    callfunc = None

    def setCallBack(callfunc):
        Data.callfunc = callfunc

    def OnData(data):

def DataCallback(a):
    print 'I received some data: '+ a
Data.OnData('I have new data')

I have defined a class called Data, which I want to use as a "static" class (i.e. I will never create an instance of it). (I come from a Java background so forgive me calling this static)
It contains a class variable and 2 static methods.

I also defined a separate function called DataCallback, which would just print the data it receives.

The goal of this is to use the Data class as a dispatcher of some chunk of data to whatever function I would like, settable at run-time.

When executing this script, following error occurs:

*Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 17, in <module>
    Data.OnData('I have new data')
  File "", line 11, in OnData
TypeError: unbound method DataCallback() must be called with Data instance as first argument (got str instance instead)
What I don't understand is why Python is expecting me to call the DataCallback() function with a Data instance. To my understanding, the DataCallback() function can be called from a static method and thus does not require any instance.

Can anyone point me in the right direction ?

DataCallback isn't a static method, it's a plain function. Try this instead:

class Data:
    def setCallBack(callfunc):
        Data.callfunc = staticmethod(callfunc)

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