On Jan 5, 6:25 am, "Djames Suhanko" <djames.suha...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello!
> I'm sorry my terrible english (my native language is portuguese).
> I has a litle program that open another window. When I close de root
> window in quit button, I need clicking 2 times to close. is where the
> problem?
> The source:
>   1 #!/usr/bin/env python
>   2 from Tkinter import *
>   3 import sys
>   4 import random
>   5 class App:
>   6  def __init__(self, master):
>   7    frame = Frame(master)
>   8    frame.pack()
>   9    rotulo = Label(frame, text="Clique em 'Gerar' e boa
> sorte!",borderwidth=2,bg="gray",justify=C    ENTER,relief=SUNKEN)
>  10    rotulo.pack()
>  11
>  12    self.button = Button(frame, text="Sair", fg="red",
> command=frame.quit,borderwidth=1)
>  13    self.button.pack(side=LEFT)
>  14    self.hi_there = Button(frame, text="Gerar Numero",
> command=self.say_hi,borderwidth=1)
>  15    self.hi_there.pack(side=RIGHT,padx=2,pady=2)
>  16
>  17  def gera_seis(self):
>  18    a = {}
>  19    for i in range(6):
>  20       a[i] = "%02d" %  int (random.randint(0,60))
>  21    resultadoA = "%s-%s-%s-%s-%s-%s" %
> (str(a[0]),str(a[1]),str(a[2]),str(a[3]),str(a[4]),str(a[5]))
>  22    return resultadoA
>  23
>  24  def say_hi(self):
>  25    resultado = self.gera_seis()
>  26    raiz = Tk()
>  27    F = Frame(raiz)
>  28    F.pack()
>  29    hello = Label(F, text=resultado)
>  30    hello.pack()
>  31    F.mainloop()
>  32
>  33 root = Tk()
>  34 root.title("$$$ Loteria $$$")
>  35 app = App(root)
>  36 root.mainloop()
> --
> Djames Suhanko
> LinuxUser 158.760

Also for style, you might want to group the import lines so they look
like this:

from Tkinter import *
import sys, random

A bit more pythonic. :P

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