On Tue, Jan 6, 2009 at 4:39 AM, Benjamin Walkenhorst <kry...@gmx.net> wrote:
> James Mills wrote:
>> On Sun, Jan 4, 2009 at 4:52 AM, Benjamin Walkenhorst <kry...@gmx.net> wrote:
>>> POE was one of the nicest software frameworks I have ever used, and I've 
>>> been continuously frustrated by the lack of something like it in other 
>>> languages such as Python or Ruby.
>> It does exist :) It's called circuits.
>> Or at least circuits is a framework that I develop
>> and build which sounds very similar to POE in
>> some ways :)

> Then, one very sad day, a Gentoo upgrade broke POE. I got it working again a 
> few months later, but by then I had somehow lost interest in Perl and 
> discovered the beauty of Python, where my search for an appropriate 
> replacement was frustrated (Twisted seemed to be the closest equivalent, but 
> it seemed overly complex to me, at least I never got the hang of it...).

It would seem to me that circuits is quite similar
to POE - I've never really used or played with Perl though
and probably will never :)

> Or, to put it briefly, I would really like to take a look at that sometime. 
> If you intend to release it in any form, I would like to hear about it.

Currently released: circuits-1.0b1

See: http://trac.softcircuit.com.au/circuits/

> Oh. I see, it already IS available. How nice!!! That is going to be an 
> interesting evening!
> Oh, and thank you very much for bringing this to my attention!!!

Your very welcome ... circuits is by no means a replacement
or competitor to Twisted - it has very different design goals
and architecture (nicer/simpler ihmo). That said though anything
that Twisted  can do, circuits can do - I've deliberately tried to
keep the Component Library as simple and straight forward
as possible.

Happy hacking!


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