Thomas Heller <> wrote:
>  Nick Craig-Wood schrieb:
> > Interesting - I didn't know about h2xml and xml2py before and I've
> > done lots of ctypes wrapping!  Something to help with the initial
> > drudge work of converting the structures would be very helpful.
> > 
> > ( )
> > 
> > I gave it a quick go and it worked fine.  I had to edit the XML in one
> > place to make it acceptable (removing a u from a hex number).
>  If you are using a recent version of gccxml, then you should use the
>  ctypeslib-gccxml-0.9 branch of ctypeslib instead of the trunk. (I should
>  really merge the gccxml-0.9 branch into the trunk;-)
>  If you are already using the branch and the XML file is not accepted,
>  then could you please provide a short C code snippet that reproduces
>  the problem so that I can fix it?

I'm using gccxml from debian testing 0.9.0+cvs20080525-1 which I guess
doesn't have the code from the branch in.

> > Here are my thoughts on the conversion :-
> > 
> > It converted an interface which looked like this (the inotify interface)
> > 
> >     struct inotify_event {
> >         int      wd;       /* Watch descriptor */
> >         uint32_t mask;     /* Mask of events */
> >         uint32_t cookie;   /* Unique cookie associating related
> >                               events (for rename(2)) */
> >         uint32_t len;      /* Size of name field */
> >         char     name[];   /* Optional null-terminated name */
> >     };
> > 
> > Into this
> > 
> >     class inotify_event(Structure):
> >         pass
> >     inotify_event._fields_ = [
> >         ('wd', c_int),
> >         ('mask', uint32_t),
> >         ('cookie', uint32_t),
> >         ('len', uint32_t),
> >         ('name', c_char * 0),
> >     ]
> > 
> > Which is a very good start.  However it defined these which clearly
> > aren't portable
> > 
> >     int32_t = c_int
> >     uint32_t = c_uint
> > 
> > Whereas it should have been using the ctypes inbuilt types
> > 
> >     c_int32
> >     c_uint32
>  IMO this would be difficult to achive automatically.  There are cases
>  wher c_int is the correct type, in other cases c_int32 is correct.

Yes it is almost impossible difficult to achieve automatically -
exactly how far do you want to unravel the twisty turny mess of
typedefs that make up uint32_t?  It is easy to change the generated
output since it defines the type in one place.

uint32_t and friends (stdint.h) are standardised in C99 so might it be
reasonable to put some special cases in for them, expecially since the
corresponding types already exist in ctypes?

Nick Craig-Wood <> --

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