I have been searching for a way to print the official Python
documentation into some kind of book (for my own uses).  I don't
really care if it's printed on newspaper and bound with elmer's
glue ... any way I can get relatively recent _official documentation_
in print form will do.

I'm on the go a lot, and can't read for long periods of time on LCD
screens anyhow (so having a laptop is not my solution).  Until eBook
readers grow up a bit, I'm stuck trying to print the documentation
that I REALLY need to read and absorb.

Lulu.com is an option, but it would cost something around $100 US
before shipping to get everything printed.  Also, I would have to
split up some larger documents into Volumes, which I'd rather not have
to do.

Has anyone tried this before?  Is the documentation already available
in print?



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