On Wed, 07 Jan 2009 10:17:55 -0800, Mensanator wrote:

> On Jan 7, 8:45 am, Terje <f...@usenet.no> wrote:
>> Is there a web service/API out there identifying Israel owned
>> software/software companies/web sites/web services? If I am about to
>> buy a piece of software, but don't want to support the Israeli economy,
>> it would have been handy if I could just poll a web service to get the
>> answer. This information should be kept in a database, and be public to
>> the world through a very simple xml API, something along these lines:
>> Request:
>> <nameOfCompany>Some Company Name</nameOfCompany>
>> Response:
>> <isIsraeliOwned>true</isIsraeliOwned>
>> Here's one source for this kind of information (I am sure there are
>> plenty others):http://www.science.co.il/SoftwareCo.asp
>> Of course, a web service like this would be equally useful to those who
>> want to support Israeli companies.
> Something like that web-service that publishes the names and addresses
> of doctors who perform abortions so that they can be assassinated?

Hey, it's about boycott, not killing them.  Applied to the doctors 
example:  You go to someone without a doctors degree, a clothes hanger 
and some experience…  ;-)

        Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

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