   Python Coding Convention (PEP 8) suggests :
  Maximum Line Length

    Limit all lines to a maximum of 79 characters.

  I have a string which is ~110 char long. It is a string which I am
going to print in a text file as a single string.
  i.e. in that text file, each line is taken as a different record -
so it has to be in a single line.

  Now, how can I write this code - while following PEP 8?
  I tried blockstrings, but as shown in the example below:
>>> s = r'''
... abcd
... efgh
... '''
>>> s
   it has "\n" inserted - which will disallow printing it to a single

   I thought about other options like concatenating strings etc, but
it seems very kludgy - esp since the whole string has a single meaning
and cannot be easily split to many logically. Then I thought of
creating a blockstring and then removing "\n", but it seemed

   I am sure this is a very usual issue and I am missing some very
very simple solution. But I cannot think of it at all...

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