En Tue, 13 Jan 2009 22:04:33 -0200, Terry Reedy <tjre...@udel.edu>
Gabriel Genellina wrote:
En Mon, 12 Jan 2009 12:00:16 -0200, John Machin <sjmac...@lexicon.net>
I didn't think your question was stupid. Stupid was (a) CP/M recording
file size as number of 128-byte sectors, forcing the use of an in-band
EOF marker for text files (b) MS continuing to regard Ctrl-Z as an EOF
decades after people stopped writing Ctrl-Z at the end of text files.
This is called "backwards compatibility" and it's a good thing :)
But it does not have to be the default or only behavior to be available.
Sure. And it isn't - there are many flags to open and fopen to choose
The C89 standard (the language used to compile CPython) guarantees *only*
that printable characters, tab, and newline are preserved in a text file;
everything else may or may not appear when it is read again. Even
whitespace at the end of a line may be dropped. Binary files are more
Delphi recognizes the EOF marker when reading a text file only inside the
file's last 128-byte block -- this mimics the original CP/M behavior
rather closely. I thought the MSC runtime did the same, but no, the EOF
marker is recognized anywhere. And Python inherits that (at least in 2.6
-- I've not tested with 3.0)
Gabriel Genellina