On 14 Gen, 15:30, Daniel da Silva <ddasi...@umd.edu> wrote:
> On Jan 14, 5:25 am, codicedave <davide.pi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi all!
> > I installed a external program called infomap using the classical
> > procedure
> > ./configure
> > make
> > sudo make install
> >  and it works perfectly in Terminal (Os x) using both bash and tcsh
> > shell
> > admins-macbook-pro-2:~ unil$ infomap-build
> > Usage: infomap-build [-w working_dir] [-p param_file]
> >        [-D var_1=val_1 ... -D var_N=val_N]
> >        (-s single_corpus_file | -m multi_file_list)
> >        <model_tag>
> >  but when I call it from python using os.system or subprocess.call I
> > get the message "sh: infomap-build: command not found".
> > Do you know why?
> > Many thanks
> > Davide
> Type "which infomap-build" from the command line to find out where
> infomap-build is.

Thank you all guys

I tried to use "which" command and found it in /usr/local/bin

it seemed to work but at the end I think there is a dependency problem

now it can not find another program called by infomap-build

bin/sh: prepare_corpus: command not found
make: *** [/tmp/unil/infomap_working_dir/prova/wordlist] Error 127

(take a look above)

Process begun
Sourcing param file "/usr/local/share/infomap-nlp/default-params"
Sourcing extra param file "/tmp/infomap-build.1eD7KR"
Contents are:
Removing extra param file
WORKING_DATA_DIR = "/tmp/unil/infomap_working_dir/prova"
CORPUS_DIR = "../files"
CORPUS_FILE = "../files/filename.txt.sst.clean"
ROWS = "20000"
COLUMNS = "1000"
SINGVALS = "100"
SVD_ITER = "100"
VALID_CHARS_FILE = "/usr/local/share/infomap-nlp/valid_chars.en"
STOPLIST_FILE = "/usr/local/share/infomap-nlp/stop.list"
echo "Making datadir"
Making datadir
mkdir -p /tmp/unil/infomap_working_dir/prova

Building target: /tmp/unil/infomap_working_dir/prova/wordlist
Prerequisites: ../files/filename.txt.sst.clean
Wed Jan 14 17:43:21 CET 2009
prepare_corpus \
                -cdir "../files" \
                -mdir "/tmp/unil/infomap_working_dir/prova" \
                -cfile "../files/filename.txt.sst.clean" \
                -fnfile "" \
                -chfile "/usr/local/share/infomap-nlp/valid_chars.en" \
                -slfile "/usr/local/share/infomap-nlp/stop.list" \
                -rptfile ""
/bin/sh: prepare_corpus: command not found
make: *** [/tmp/unil/infomap_working_dir/prova/wordlist] Error 127

any idea?


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