On Thursday 15 January 2009 15:28:36 r wrote:
> First of all be very careful using from "module" import * or you will
> have name conflicts. Tkinter is made to be imported this way and i do
> it all the time. for the others do.
> import tkMessageBox as MB
> import tkFileDialog as FD
> or whatever floats your boat.

Importing explicitly works for me in Fedora 11 (rawhide):
from Tkinter import *
from tkMessageBox import askyesno
from tkFileDialog import askopenfilename

root = Tk()

def ask_file():
   file_name = askopenfilename()
   print file_name

def ask_confirm():
   answer = askyesno()
   print answer

Button(root, text='Ask file', command=ask_file).pack()
Button(root, text='Ask confirm', command=ask_confirm).pack()


> Secondly i hear all the time about problems with fedora distros, so
> that would explain the issue to me.

That seems a long jump in the reasoning since OP reported the same behavior in 
Suse and Solaris.

José Abílio

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