Kay Schluehr wrote: > I fear that Python 3.0 becomes some kind of vaporware in the Python > community that paralyzes all redesign efforts on the std-lib.
that, combined with the old observation that CPython developers, when given a choice, prefer to write C code over Python code, is making the standard library a lot less useful than it could be. (if you look at recent releases, most standard lib additions are things that are fun for language tinkerers and people looking for many ways to write simple algorithms, but very little stuff that's useful for scripters and application builders. a C implementation of _bisect. hello?) if I were in charge, I'd separate 90% of the standard library from the core distribution, made sure it ran on multiple implementions (at least the two latest CPython implementations, plus what's needed to make as much as possible available on the latest Jython and IronPython releases), bundled a number of carefully selected external libraries (without forcing developers to give up rights and loose control over maintenance), refactor the test suite so it could be used both to test the library and to see what parts worked properly on your platform, and make new releases (for testers and early adopters) available regularily. </F> -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list