MRAB wrote:
Tino Wildenhain wrote:
Xah Lee wrote:

OK, I want to create a nested list in Lisp (always of only integers)
from a text file, such that each line in the text file would be
represented as a sublist in the 'imported' list.

example of a file's content

3 10 2
4 1
11 18

example of programing behavior
(make-list-from-text "blob.txt") => ((3 10 2) (4 1) (11 18))

In a show-off context, it can be reduced to by about 50%, but still
far verbose than ruby or say perl (which is 1 or 2 lines. (python
would be 3 or 5)).

So? Please count the lines:

[line.strip().split() for line in file("blob.txt")]

The original requirement was for a list of lists of integers:

Actually I read:
"Note that the result element is string, not numbers. There's no easy
way to convert them on the fly. 3 or so more lines will be needed to
do that."

So I felt that requirement was dropped, but otherwise, you are right :-)

[[int(x) for x in line.split()] for line in open("blob.txt")]

Still only 1 line, though.



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