On Jan 20, 8:03 am, Jean-Paul Calderone <exar...@divmod.com> wrote:
> On Mon, 19 Jan 2009 12:15:29 -0800, Ron Garret <rnospa...@flownet.com> wrote:
> >Consider the following wsgi app:
> >def application(env, start_response):
> >  start_response('200 OK',[('Content-type','text/plain')])
> >  yield "hello"
> >  x=1/0
> >  yield "world"
> >The result of this is that the web browser displays "hello" and an error
> >message ends up in the web log.  But there is no other indication that
> >an error has occurred.
> >Is there any way to get WSGI to not silently swallow errors that occur
> >after start_response has been called?
> WSGI is a specification, not a piece of software.  The specification isn't
> swallowing the error, some piece of software is.  What WSGI container are
> you using?

Not Apache/mod_wsgi at least, as message would show in Apache error

[Tue Jan 20 09:03:19 2009] [info] [client ::1] mod_wsgi (pid=271,
process='wsgi', application='dangermouse:8224|/wsgi/scripts/
swallow.py'): Loading WSGI script '/usr/local/wsgi/scripts/swallow.py'
[Tue Jan 20 09:03:19 2009] [error] [client ::1] mod_wsgi (pid=271):
Exception occurred processing WSGI script '/usr/local/wsgi/scripts/
[Tue Jan 20 09:03:19 2009] [error] [client ::1] Traceback (most recent
call last)
[Tue Jan 20 09:03:19 2009] [error] [client ::1]   File "/usr/local/
wsgi/scripts/swallow.py", line 7, in application[Tue Jan 20 09:03:19
2009] [error] [client ::1]     x=1/0
[Tue Jan 20 09:03:19 2009] [error] [client ::1] ZeroDivisionError:
integer division or modulo by zero

Would just need to make sure you look in the correct log if have
virtual host specific error logs.



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